Five Feet Apart
By: Rachael Lippincott
Companion book
By: Harshita Rai
Note: I will be posting the entire book in multiple parts. This post only has chapter 1 so read the next posts to read ch 2 and ch 3.
Imagine taking in a breath. The air goes in through your nose, into your lungs, and out your nose again. It is a simple task. Right? For most people, yes, but anyone with cytosis fibrosis has a hard time taking in a breath. It isn’t a simple task for them. The air they breathe has to fight through the mucus in their lungs to get in and fight again to get out. In Five Feet Apart by Rachel Lippincott the main character, Stella suffers from cytosis fibrosis and another character, Will has been diagnosed with B. Cepacia. B. Cepacia is a more dangerous disease than CF and anyone with this disease could spread it to a CFer. Will and Stella are forced to stay apart but their desires are very strong. As the plot unfolds and the story comes to a sorrowful end, Stella learns the importance of love. In this companion book, you will read about a detailed explanation about cytosis fibrosis and B. Cepacia. Then we will learn about the author’s strategies, symbolism, theme and explaining the complicated parts. There will also be chapters about Will and Stella’s best friend, Poe. At the end there will be a tragic fanfiction about Stella and Will’s relationship. Has fate brought Will and Stella together only to rip them apart? In this book you will dive deeper into Five Feet Apart and explore Will and Stella’s complicated relationship. Keep on reading to explore the wonderful features of the novel Five Feet Apart. I also recommend that you read the original so you can get a better understanding of this companion novel. I loved the book and I guarantee you’ll love it too.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Why do I love my novel?
Chapter 2 Welcome to the characters Graphic
Chapter 3 (Theme) Showing appreciation
Chapter 4 (Explaining the complicated) Is Stella a normal kid?
Chapter 5 (Author’s craft) Lippincott’s strategies to create tension.
Chapter 6 (Symbolism) The significance of the hospital
Chapter 7 Poem about Stella and Will
Chapter 8 (Fan fiction) Saying Goodbye
We dedicate this book, and the movie, to all the patients, families, medical staff, and loved ones who bravely fight the battle against cystic fibrosis every day. We hope the story of Stella and Will helps to bring awareness to this disease and, one day, a cure.
-M.D. and T.I.
I dedicate this companion book to all the brave fighters of CF.
-Harshita Rai
Chapter 1
My relationship to this novel
In this chapter the opinions of the author of this companion book will be revealed. The author will explain in a short summary why this book matters to her and how it relates to her life. As readers the author invites you to make connections from this story to your own life. You also might agree or disagree with the author but this summary is the author’s opinion. You might start to realize that this book could be not so different from your life.
My novel is called Five Feet Apart. I’m doing my companion book for this novel because it’s one of my favorite books. This novel has a lot of symbolism and many plot twists. It’s a very sad book with lots of signposts and it has a great universal theme to it. The main character in this book, Stella, experiences mixed feelings. At the end she changes a lot and learns from her experiences. Meeting Will was probably one of the best things that happened to her. Her disease kept her from doing many things but she always fought back and tried to get better unlike Will who had given up hope. Even though I’m not exactly in her situation, I feel I can somehow relate to her. Other times in the book I feel very different from her. This is a reason why I like this book. It makes me want to compare myself to Stella. The book also has a nice conflict which makes me wonder about Stella’s life and how it could have been different if it weren’t for her disease. It’s nice to read books about conflicts that could be going on in your life too to know how that other person would have handled the situation but I like to read about conflicts that have nothing to do with my life at all. I couldn’t imagine having Stella’s disease because my lungs work perfectly while hers don’t. At the end the novel starts to get very emotional and I actually started to cry near the end. I know that I love a novel when I get to the end of it and it makes me sad to finish it. After I finished this book I didn’t want it to be over but at the same time I really wanted to know what happened at the end.